Proces art
What is proces art?
Proces artists
Lynda Beglis
Hans Haacke
Eva Hesse
Robert Morris
Richard Serra
Chris Drury
Gary Kuehn
Barry Le Va
Bruce Nauman
Keuth Sonnier
Aida Tomescu
Richard Van Buren
Robert Smithson
Pick a force (verb/ acting words) and material (workshop). Make 20 material experiments in the workshop. Investigate your material, do lots of experiments. Documentation of your proces is very important.
Start in time: some experiments might need the rest of the week to sit, dry, bake, solidify or rot... but we should be able to have a great number of interesting first results to look at and analyse together!
Creating physical work involves transforming materials. The posture, care, concentration, focus by which this is done has its impact on the result, but can also be seen as a performative action by itself or as a metaphor enhancing the massage as an artist conveys. In a workshop of your choice you will perform experiments and work (from smaller) towards bigger objects with a physical scale (relating to the moving human body).
Talk to the workshop attendants before: ask them if you need to make an appointment prior to the class to get introduced to specifics. You can collect sculptural materials from the scrap in the workshops to work with or other bins and contaners around the school depending on what you want to experiment with.
Proces art assignment I (09/11/2021)

Present/ demonstrate your 20 material experiments in the workshop.
Feedback session: Analyse the visual results, like texture, deformation, shape, color, change etc. Try to analyse this as if you were a scientist and find the extremes of the possibilities your material offers.
Pick your favorite experiment from which you develop a min of 5 prototypes for next class.
Descussion about the works: How can you ampplify the physicality oif the experiments. Analyse all previous experiments and the drawings/photo's your received from others. What did you find out about the material and your force/verb? What do the outcomes of your experiments communicate (communicate visually, but also involve other senses in your analysis) How could you enlarge the experiment and the force you are working with to an EXTREME?

Following this analysis, you start envisioning a new work of a LARGE physical scale. Think BIG!!! Push the boundaries of what is possible. Make something life/body sized. Something that that you as a maker need to relate to phycically, and the audience will have a phycical reaction to because of its scale and size. Be daring! Make something that cannot be ignored or overlooked.

Continue working in the workshop: Use the skills and things you found out in the workshop so far, but you are now allowed to use other things/techniques tools than the workshop you were limited too until now. Try to take a more unconventional approach to your material and tools.
Madeleine Altena
The term process art refers to where the process of its making art is not hidden but remains a prominent aspect of the completed work, so that a part or even the whole of its subject is the making of the work
Examples of proces artists
Born in 1936
German but lives in New York

Known for for his multimedia works with sharply critical social and political overtones. In his early works he dealt with natural processes.

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